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Practical Law UK
Thomson Reuters Training & Support
Welcome to Practical Law UK
This site provides user guides, tips and a schedule of Webinars to help you get the most out of your Practical Law UK service.
TechCare Support Team
Login/access assistance and technical support.
Telephone: 0800 10 60 25
Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm NZST
Customer Care Team
Account, billing, orders and subscriptions queries.
Telephone: 0800 10 60 60
Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm NZST
Practical Law UK Training Resources
Login to PLUK to access a range of quick reference guides, videos, tutorials, and help pages.
Additional support resources can be found on the Thomson Reuters website.
Request Training
We offer customers a range of complimentary training options - including face-to-face, telephone, webinars, and video tutorials. Click here to request training.
Ask a Trainer
Our trainers are here to assist you with research questions.
Click Ask a Trainer to submit your inquiry.
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