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Maritime and Marine Protection Rules

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The Maritime Rules and Marine Protection Rules are now available on new Westlaw (New Zealand).

Maritime and Marine Protection Rules are statutory instruments which set out the standards and procedures that apply to activities in the maritime environment. They are made under the Maritime Transport Act 1994 by the Minister of Transport and can be found in the Legislation section of Westlaw New Zealand, under ‘Current other instruments’.

In chapter of Maritime – A to Z of New Zealand Law, author Bevan Marten notes that the Rules are concerned with New Zealand’s maritime regulatory framework and are also used to implement New Zealand’s obligations under international conventions.

“Maritime Rules can be created for a broad range of purposes, covering everything from the design and construction of ships through to seafarers’ qualifications and navigational matters. The purposes of Marine Protection Rules overlap to some extent, also enabling rules on ship design and navigational exclusion zones for example, along with the regulation of harmful substances, waste and oil spills. Maritime Rules on the other hand can have the purpose of ensuring environmental sustainability.”

The Rules are grouped by Maritime New Zealand into the following subject categories:

Maritime Rules

Marine Protection Rules

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