Westlaw New Zealand Tip - Create an alert to receive new journal articles
Last Published: September 20, 2022
- Click on the Notifications icon in the top menu bar.
- Click on Alerts.
- Click on Create Alerts. Click on Publication Alert
- Type in a Name of Alert (such as the name of the journal) and Optional Description and click on the Continue button.
- Under Select Content, click on the Secondary sources link, then (by type) Law Reviews & Journals link.
- Click ADD (+) next to the journal you want to set the alert on then click on the Continue button. In the example below, click ADD (+) next Victoria University of Wellington Law Review.
- In the Customise delivery section, add the Receipt email address/es and an optional Email Note and click on the Continue button.
- In the Schedule Alert section change the Frequency to either Daily, Weekdays (M-F), Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly and the time zone and time of day. Choose to select Alert even if there are no results if you wish to receive an email alert even if there are no results. Finally, click on Save Alert button.