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Practice Area Pages


Practice Area Pages are now available on Westlaw New Zealand. These pages pull together relevant information on Westlaw for specific Practice Areas. These pages are extremely helpful when looking to limit searches to a specific area of law or for locating publications.

Practice Areas Tab


From a Practice Area page you can either browse to content types and publications or run searches across the content. We have also listed up to three of the most relevant secondary source under Featured Publications for easy access to more detailed analysis.

Practice Area Pages can be added to your Favourites, set as start page or a direct link to the page can be copied and inserted into intranets or bokmarked.


Commercial Practice Area Page


Tom Heaton
By Tom Heaton
Manager, Westlaw Product Management

Tom Heaton is a Manager at Thomson Reuters. He has over 20 years experience in information technology and legal publishing. His focus is on Website usability and everything online.

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